Thursday, May 10, 2012

Signs Signs Everywhere Signs

This one's for you, LM!
Yes, I did like the song by Tesla back in the day.  But lately I feel like I am getting all sorts of little signs when I need them the most.  And this post will probably end up sounding a bit hokey, but it’s been one of those weeks where every day feels like I have a case of the Mondays and the weekend can’t come soon enough.  So I don’t have the energy to wrack my brains to write out all the hundreds of debacles my children have managed to get themselves into this week.  I can tell you that currently Jimmy is terrorizing Josie and our neighbor(who is also the same age) by punching their dolls with his boxing gloves.  I just went down to tell Jimmy to behave and play nicely if he wants to stay downstairs with the girls and his reply was “No, I want to play mean!”  Now Jimmy has come up to bother Bart and is telling the baby he is going to chop his head off while holding out a playdoh knife.  And now he is sawing my leg with a fake saw from his tool bench.  This should explain to any person who actually reads my blog why my thoughts seem so scattered sometimes.  There is always an interruption.  
So now over twelve hours later, I am back to writing this and back to my belief in signs.  I am sure you could argue that of course I will find signs in anything if I look hard enough.  But I find comfort in them and know so many people who would agree with me on that one.  Around the time in March when I went to the memorial service for a patient I had worked with several years ago, was when I started to feel this compulsion to get our barn built so I could start my art studio.  I can’t fully explain it other than that after going to that service and seeing so many people I had worked with years ago and who had touched my life, I felt like I was getting this message from God that now was the time to launch my art studio.  Of course, lots of people who don’t know me and also many who do know me would say: “Are you crazy, Cami??  You have four little kids!”  I have that thought about a hundred times a day.  I have come to this conclusion.  Yes, I must be crazy, but I am also very lucky.  I have so much support from my husband and both of our families.  And I am really lucky in that all of our friends and even friends I have just run into again after years, are willing to spread the word and help my business grow. 
The signs I have been getting seem to be showing up in two main ways: numbers and birds.  For the past few months, I kept looking at the clock and it would always happen to be a time like 11:11 or 12:12.  Now any of you who are as superstitious as me know that 11:11, make a wish.   If you google it, you of course find all sorts of New Agey websites and some kooky beliefs, but some that I found were just a bit more simple that it can be the “universe tapping you on the shoulder” or a “powerful confirmation you are on the right track” and one of my favorites that this is a “prompt” from angels to let us know they are here.  I haven’t really even shared this with anyone and I am sure I will sound crazy for putting it out there like this.
And now that you may agree that this post is for the birds…Ever since my Granny passed away ten years ago, my family and I joke that she pops up in the form of little birds here and there.  Granny loved birds, loved watching birds and feeding them.   She even had them as pets.  Her last pet bird “Goldie” still lives with my parents and has been known to peck at Sawyer who gets a kick out of screaming at the poor bird and poking his chubby fingers in Goldie’s cage.  My aunt Linda had given us a birdhouse a couple years ago that sat on top of our old kitchen cabinets.  I finally hung it outside last spring after we had redone our kitchen.  We put seed in it, but never attracted any birds.  A year ago, we were seriously considering moving and even met with a realtor to start the process.  I looked at the lack of birds coming to this birdhouse as yet another sign we should move.  Just in the past month, the cutest little sparrow(at least that’s what I think it might be) has built itself a cozy nest inside this birdhouse.  The past couple weeks when I have been driving Josie to school, I have actually seen an oriole hanging out on the guard rail of the exit we have to take off of the main highway to get to her school.  This is by no means a quiet place for a bird to perch as the highway is four lanes and divided and not far from the toll road and airport and there is always construction going on.  I have never seen an oriole in my life other than the baseball team.  This bird is for sure an oriole- black color with the orange markings.  I mentioned it to A.J. and he told me he has also seen this oriole in the same spot when taking Josie to school.
On Tuesday morning, I was just having one of those days.  I labeled it “Annoy the Crap(excuse my language) out of Cami Day” and told my sisters there was a contest to see who could win.  As I unloaded my two youngest boys out of the Gray Goose to head into the grocery store, I saw a sweet little old lady with her cane being led across the parking lot to the salon(or “beauty shop” as Granny called it) by her daughter who looked to be in her fifties.  This was such a regular routine for my mom and Granny.  Then after the fun of dealing with Sawyer leaping in and out of the car cart throughout our shopping trip, we got in line behind another cute old lady who was wearing a canvas jacket that had seagulls painted in a pattern all over it.  It was a bit amusing as each bird was about six inches large, but it was so “Granny”.   She loved to sit on the bench on the fishing pier at the beach and toss bread crumbs or whatever food she had saved in her pockets to the seagulls.   It gave me a moment to just stop and laugh and take a deep breath because all the stress of the week is minor.  And the stress of getting this barn built and getting the art studio is “good stress”, but only temporary.  I have a lot of “angels” both in heaven and on earth supporting me on the way.

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