Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wrestling,nebs, and the color purple

To start the blog off on a much more somber tone, please keep A.J.’s grandma in your prayers.  His aunt called and they are rushing Grandma to the hospital and think she may have a pulmonary embolism.
This caps off my very exhausting day.  Now to reflect and find the humor in it…Bart has had a neverending cough pretty much since after Thanksgiving.  Could easily attribute this to the germ hoarders who are constantly petting him, breathing on him, kissing him, especially Sawyer who seems to think kissing the baby requires leaving a puddle of saliva on his scalp.  Back to the pediatrician’s we go for our now “weekly” visit.  Running late, no surprise there.  Surely I look like a hot mess running down the hall of the office building where the peds office is located, pushing the snap-n-go stroller with Bart;  Sawyer and Jimmy running ahead leading the way.  I pray they will stop and go into the correct office.  Arrive, check in and head to the “sick room” which is thankfully empty.  The torture begins.  These office visits where I make the mistake of bringing more than one child make me feel like I am either going to a.) have an anxiety attack b.) freak out and start restraining my children with the hose from the blood pressure cuff in the exam room or c.) run screaming from the office and tell the staff they can just keep the kids, I’ll be at the nearest bar.  Both of the waiting rooms have nice long benches built coming out of the wall that run the full length of the room and are carpeted.  And immediately the circus act begins.  My two clowns(Sawyer and Jimmy) start running back and forth along the one bench.  And they seem to think the louder the better.  I am saved for the moment and a nurse comes to take us back to the exam room.  Ah we are in the purple room, the walls are a nice pale lavender and the chairs and exam table are nice purple vinyl.  Aren’t purple walls supposed to be calming?  Or do they make people crazy?  Based on today’s findings with our two subjects, I’d say it is the latter.  The first nurse gets the scoop on why we are back and then we have to head down the hall to weigh Bart.  Sawyer trots off first but doesn’t stop at the scale, he heads straight for another exam room.  Luckily it is empty, but I have to grab him just as his chubby fingers are reaching around the knob of another room(closed doors=patients having exams).  Back to the purple room we go which is where the entertainment starts.  During our wait to see the nurse practitioner, the boys manage to hold several wrestling matches, at various points they pin each other.  Furniture gets rearranged.  The NP comes in to examine Bart, suddenly the boys are very curious, come right up into her face and sit there saying “it’s okay buddy” to Bart to “help” keep him calm.  Then they’re back to their wrestling match.  They tire of this and begin crawling around the floor making the most bizarre cat noises I have heard.  I try to keep one eye on them, one hand on Bart so he doesn’t roll off the exam table, and attempt to have a coherent conversation with the NP.  She decides we should try a nebulizer treatment and should also get a chest x-ray as a precaution.  She goes out to get one of the nurses to bring the pulse ox and nebs in.   I begin frantically texting and calling my mother-in-law to have her pick Josie up at school because it is clearly going to be a LONG appointment.   By the time the other nurse comes in with the pulse ox and nebs, the boys have flung off their shoes and socks, Jimmy is wearing his socks like gloves(or maybe he is pretending they are some sort of animal paws, who knows).  The nurse has to go out in the hallway to get something, I pray she shuts the door because any open door is a magnet for Sawyer to bolt.  Sure enough she leaves it open.  Deep breaths deep breaths, sweat starting to bead on my forehead.  She comes back before my little escape artist can leave.  Jimmy every so often decides to yell at the top of his lungs which forces me to yell at him to quiet down, but alas, no one is being “mommy’s helper” today.  The nurse gets me set up with the nebulizer with Bart on my lap.  Trying to stay focused as she tells me this will take about ten minutes.  Dear God please don’t leave is what I really want to shout, but all I can do is pretend I have it all under control and smile and say okay.  Gently bouncing Bart with my knee as I keep him content while nebbing him.  Muttering about a million threats at the boys to “calm down!  Sit down! Put that chair down!”  Another nurse pops in- this is Bart’s girlfriend who knows us from the many other times we’ve been seen for this cough.  She chats for a minute, helps turn off the nebulizer and goes to leave and now the boys are lying flat out across the floor- awesome!  Sawyer then decides to sit against the door so she can’t leave.  She asks as politely as she can for him to move and in the end, I have Bart in one arm and reach across and lug Sawyer away from the door.  Jimmy starts up with taunting Sawyer by throwing his shoes under the stroller.  I tell him sternly to knock it off and then he yells “No! You poopie idiot!”  This poor young nurse must just be thinking- I am never having kids!  We survive the rest of the visit and head out to take the elevator down to the lobby to meet my mother-in-law and Josie so I can take Bart to the imaging place in the same building to get his chest x-ray.  I feel like I can maybe start to relax a bit, but then Sawyer books down the hall towards the elevator.  First I think oh he wouldn’t get on it.  But you can never trust this one so I am forced to pick up my pace to full speed, have to eventually take my hand off the stroller and leave Bart and Jimmy to catch Sawyer.  Winning parenting moment of my day occurs as I let go of the stroller(with Bart in it) and am almost at Sawyer I hear the stroller bump into the wall. Grab Sawyer and rush back to baby Bart who miraculously is unscathed.  Note to self: purple is not a calming color!

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